Friday, September 21, 2007

Nora's Fourth Violin Lesson

Practice List To Do, Tuesday 9/21/2007 Lesson 4 Week 2
I. Identification of Twinkle Rhythm Variations: new add SBB
II. Bow Sets 3-5 times per day
III. Bow MHD & (new add HB) on left shoulder while singing the rhythm
IV. Violin Sets 6 times a day

I. Identification of Twinkle Rhythm Variations:
MHD (Mississippi Hot Dog)
HB (Huckleberry Huckleberry)
Twinkle Theme “Twinkle Twinkle Little S-l-o-w”
SBB (Stop Big Bow Stop Bog Bow)

For Rhythm Identification, Practice Strategies:
1. Hear the first line on the violin
2. Hear the rhythm on the violin
3. Feel arm rub of rhythm (elbow to wrist)
4. See rhythm sliced in air (precise vertical hand movements)
5. Hear rhythm clapped by adult
6. Clap with parent’s hands (parent clap hers, she clap parent’s hands)
7. Handshake with parent
8. Handshake Twinkle Twinkle Little S-l-o-w
9. Stomp
10. Hand clap
11. Finger tracing on rhythm lines while singing rhythm words

Always singing the rhythm words.
Mr. S added the SBB rhythm by first clapping Nora’s hands for her and then rubbing the rhythm on her right arm.
She correctly identified 10 trials in this order: MHD, HB, MHD, Theme, HB, MHD, HB (with just a slight MHD hesitation first), MHD, HB, MHD. He used clapping, rubbing and slicing today, he did not use his violin, he did not repeat the same rhythm twice.
When he threw in the new SBB, she did not get it correct (on 2 trials), but she was able to go back and identify trials with MHD and HB. He smiled at Nora and said that said had done very nice work on her rhythms! And he turned to me and smiled and said the same thing to me! He rarely if ever has addressed me during Nora’s portion of the lesson.

II. Bow Practice Sets 3-5 times per day
1. Green Feet
2. Soft knees (*added)
3. Parent holds bow horizontal
4. Nora places fingers hanging curved over stick, soft hand, fingers spaced with air between each one, index on silver, middle finger across from bumpy thumb
5. Nora places bumpy thumb touching 1/2 silver and ½ hair
6. Parent lets go and Nora turns bow so that tip points straight up
7. Parent points very close to tip
8. New count down from 10
· note from observation of previous lesson: If the bow grip is too stiff or not right it is better to start over. Do the right hand placement over, rather than try to adjust a too squeezed or tight grip to become more relaxed. This way the student learns to make a soft bow hold the first time they touch the bow, rather than learning to adjust a tight bow grip to be softer.
· Count down includes a silent (or articulated) beat between each number, ie one (and) two (and) … one (tongue kluck) two (tongue kluck)

III. Bow Practice MHD on left shoulder while singing the rhythm
New Add HB rhythm
1. Green Feet
2. Soft knees
3. Nora sets a bow grip with bow horizontal, parent holding stick
4. Nora puts her Left arm across her tummy
5. Parent still holding screw of bow, Nora places bow on her left shoulder (hair down)
6. Parent’s left finger tips gently touch around Nora’s right elbow joint
7. Parent, guiding Nora’s bow by the screw, says “My Turn”, and then begins saying one rhythm beginning a down bow stroke
8. Parent rhythmically says “Your Turn” and may still need to lightly guide screw of the bow, and Nora says MHD or HB and opens her elbow joint to make the 1st down bow and continues for the one rhythm.
9. Parent’s left finger tips are still gently enclosing Nora’s right elbow to help guide her stroke.
10. Rhythmic exercise: “My Turn” MHD (or HB) “Your Turn” MHD (or HB) “My Turn” MHD (or HB) “Your Turn” MHD (or HB)

Nora’s shoulders should be directly over her green feet and nicely back and straight and should not twist, or raise, or move forward

Parent can give reminders to be “soft.”
Mr. S used his fingers to gently touch around/ enclose Nora’s entire elbow joint rather than to just touch it gently from the front to guide the bow stroke so that the arm opens with movement at the elbow joint rather than moving the arm from the shoulder joint.

IV. Violin Practice Sets 6 times per day
(Nora’s 7 steps in purple)

1. Green Feet
2. Soft knees
3. Parent swings or shakes Nora’s left arm softly (parent looking for relaxed left arm and shoulder) and places it gently across waist area
4. Parent holds violin in right hand by ribs (fingers on curved waist part, strings upward, chinrest toward Nora)
5. Mima/Mommy holds own left pointer finger straight up directly in front of Nora’s face, approximately a foot away and says “look straight ahead at my finger” and Nora keeps her head in midline and looks straight ahead
6. Parent moves violin button with a “committed movement” directly to the spot on the left side of Nora’s neck where you can imagine that a line could be extended down from an long dangling left earring.
a. Do not move violin around on Nora’s neck. If parent does not place violin properly the first time, start this step over again. Parent gets one committed try.
7. Say “turn your head” and Nora turns her head to the left (she should not twist her trunk, shoulders remain straight forward, down and back)
8. Say “drop your head” (watch that her shoulders do not go up)
9. Say, bring your arm up and “let the violin go to sleep on your thumb” (parent hand on violin ribs will be holding violin and blocking left arm from going too far)
10. Parent lets go of violin and holds own moving pointer finger up or wiggled fingers up just to the left of the scroll
11. Nora should look at finger for a count down from 10
12. Parent takes the violin by scroll

Mima and Nora and Mr. S held their right hands up in the air and took a pledge:
"Nora’s violin will only be set by Mima, Mommy, Daddy, Mr. S or Ms. C, and not by Nora by herself."

M.r S said it would probably be months before Nora would be doing this without adult assistance. He said this is his standard schedule.

Mr. S said that we should help Nora to have shoulders open and back (open sternum up) and have shoulders relaxed and down. He never used the word “relaxed” with Nora. The only descriptive word he used for her was “soft” and he did not by words ask her to change this body position. He guided her with his hands. On the last violin set he did he used his hand to keep her head in midline before she was supposed to turn her head to the left.

Mr. S said that we could isolate any of these steps for individual practice.
For example the head in the middle and the head turn to the left can be isolated for individual practice.

Mr. S used 2 red Sally’s cosmetic sponges and used a red and a green rubber band (Nora’s color choices) to affix the sponges to the back of her violin. He said that we should always bring extra sponges as this sponge arrangement changes as she grows, sometimes week by week.

Count down is the same as above with a beat left between the numbers so it would be a full 10 seconds.

Practice Music Reading
Mr. S said that we could remind him and he will add one more note to our note card set for our music reading practice.

Nora did a beautiful bow to Mr. S at the end of the lesson and we probably should practice her crossed position hand off of the violin and bow to Mr S as she is now doing this at the beginning of the lesson.

· Mr. S asked Mima to please bring her violin to the next lesson as it is easier for him to show me on a larger violin. He has been using Nora’s violin with Mima for the demonstration part of the lesson. He said that he would rather not use his own for demonstration.

4 cars were in the driveway and Mima got to park on the street!
Nora left her case in the waiting room and walked into the lesson room carrying her own violin. She sat on the red observation chair, and Mima helped her put her violin down next her and helped her to leave it quietly alone.
Back in the waiting room after the lesson, Nora took more than 15 minutes to put her own shoes on after the lesson….. She saw one of Ms. C’s cats and said “I’m stupefied about that cat. That cat can not come out.”
Back up at the car on the street, we met the neighbor and his little friendly dog named Gollie, and Nora made good friends with the dog and the neighbor!

Nora again spontaneously identified “Allegro” when we were listening to the Suzuki Volume 1 CD in the car in the way to the lesson. She did this last week as well.

Nora had a great time running, climbing and playing in the Clemyjontri Playground. It was summer weather and sunscreen was needed. She enjoyed listening to Malena and Pablo’s old Winnie the Pooh story tapes on the way home. Today it was the story of Piglet entirely surrounded by water.

When Keary came home, Nora did one very nice violin set with Mima for him. After dinner she was too tired to practice and she was asleep at 8 PM. She will do a few more violin sets on Saturday morning with Lisa and Mima.

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